While there are plenty of ways to set up your own website, you may want to know a little bit more about the advantages and disadvantages of Website Hosting as it stands today. As far as disadvantages to web hosting, they are pretty straight forward: having to pay a bill and having to actually set up the software that runs your site. When you use free hosting solutions you have everything handled for you. Examples of this include WordPress, Blogger, Blogspot and other places where you can host a blog for free. Since blogs are a big part of the internet today, for those who don't even want to afford low cost Shared Hosting, these can be decent solutions but you aren't going to have much say over how the site is set up for you. You can also use HubPages or Squidoo if you simply want to write articles but you won't have much in the way of control over these, either, especially not if you want to have Video Hosting options - you'll be stuck using YouTube or similar sites and dealing with their terms of service.
Of course, the obvious solution for serious websites is real hosting that offers everything from shared packages for the low end to VPS Hosting for those who really need their own server for their sites. When you choose actual web hosting you get the benefits of the free sites, but you have much more say over how your site looks, what you can put on it and you get technical support, too. You can't get technical support from free hosting because they don't have any time for that sort of service. Of course, if you plan to offer anything that might be even slightly offensive you will absolutely need Adult Hosting because the free hosts simply don't want to deal with these kinds of sites. It's clear that free hosting is great if you're just messing around, but when you really want to run a website that offers value you need full control and that's where web hosting excels. Don't skimp on service, build your site for success!
Of course, the obvious solution for serious websites is real hosting that offers everything from shared packages for the low end to VPS Hosting for those who really need their own server for their sites. When you choose actual web hosting you get the benefits of the free sites, but you have much more say over how your site looks, what you can put on it and you get technical support, too. You can't get technical support from free hosting because they don't have any time for that sort of service. Of course, if you plan to offer anything that might be even slightly offensive you will absolutely need Adult Hosting because the free hosts simply don't want to deal with these kinds of sites. It's clear that free hosting is great if you're just messing around, but when you really want to run a website that offers value you need full control and that's where web hosting excels. Don't skimp on service, build your site for success!